My parents rest in the graves of my great-grandparents. In such cases, the names of the older generation are often included on a new headstone. Often younger family members are laid to rest in an ancestor’s grave. The grave can be kept longer than 20 years if relatives pay for the gravesite. I have never seen them, and if they exist it is in grave violation of the laws and regulations that govern Norwegian cemeteries. I have seen people write about having seen “boneyards”. It is important to point out that nothing is removed from the old grave. Old headstone at Lesja museum, Oppland county If there are small remains left, these are, according to law, buried in the bottom of the new grave. Embalming is not common in Norway so after 20 years there is normally nothing left in the grave. People not accustomed to this practice seems to believe that the remains are removed after this time.

This means we may not be able to find the grave of an ancestor. Due to limitations in arable land In Norway, a gravesite can be reused after 20 years. When going on a trip to Norway it is very nice to be able to find a grave. The emotional part of finding a grave is obvious to most of us.

This is why finding a gravesite can give you information about people who were born and/or died after ca. This is an edit of my old article as the site “Norske gravminner” (The database of gravestone inscriptions) has undergone major changes when it comes to layout and functionality.įor privacy reasons, there are limits to the publication of records. Finding a grave can be of both practical and emotional importance when you are searching for your ancestors.